In addition to service projects, we also take time to gather for education, social events, and fundraisers.
Log into to see a full calendar of events including weekly speakers, service projects, and other events.

Each year cook teams from across the district (and sometimes farther) compete in Pigstock to raise money for Children of Vietnam.

Enduring Gratitude
Each year, Enduring Gratitude hosts more than 100 servicemen and servicewomen with outdoor activities such as pheasant and clay shooting as a thank for their service.

Holiday Party
Celebrate the holidays right with Gate City. Our party is an opportunity for members and their spouses to eat, drink, and be merry.
Additional information will be provided closer to the event date.

Santa Breakfast
Gate City Rotarians and their families gather for a festive breakfast with music from the Gate City Pickers and a visit from Santa.
Additional information will be available closer to the event date.

Changing of the Guard
As we transition from one Rotary year to the next, we gather to celebrate the efforts of fellow Gate City Rotarians and look forward to the year ahead.
Additional information will be provided closer to the event date.

Paul Harris Society Dinner
Rotarians are encouraged to come to this dinner which celebrates those who are significant contributors to the Rotary Foundation.
Who is Paul Harris? Learn more here.
District Conference
Rotary District 7690 holds a conference each year with learning and networking opportunities. Join us this year in Myrtle Beach from April 24-26.

Annual Fundraiser
Gate City raises funds for local, district, and international grants, supporting non-profits and initiatives to improve our world. This year’s fundraiser has been postponed. Additional information will be provided when available.
Rotary International Conference
Due to Covid-19, the Rotary Conference will be virtual this year. Sign up to participate at the link below.